ETHICS POLICIES - Bionatura journal

Bionatura Journal
Ibero-American Journal of Biotechnology and Life Sciences
ISSN 3020-7886
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Authors must reveal any possible conflicts of interest in their manuscript. This statement should cover any factor (financial or otherwise) that could potentially affect the study's results or conclusions. If there is no conflict, it should also be explicitly stated, typically with a phrase like: "The Authors declare that they have no conflict of interest."
AUTHORS' CONTRIBUTIONS It is advisable to clarify each author's role in preparing the work.
All written material, images, or any other previously published format must be properly cited in the text and reference section by the authors. Unless specifically justified, it cannot include verbatim or parts of text from other publications. The publication will reject the manuscript and take appropriate action if this type of behavior is discovered using modern technological devices. Authors are required to obtain the necessary authorizations to reuse or modify portions of other publications, typically images, and accurately identify their authorship. The manipulation of images, tables, or other material to alter the manuscripts results or conclusions is prohibited. The journal may take further action if this type of manipulation is detected.
EXPERIMENTATION WITH HUMANS AND ANIMALS All works involving experimentation with humans or animals must adhere to the ethical standards of the relevant national and international institutions, which must be stated in the work. For studies involving human participants, the ethics committee that approved the study must state that the participants' informed consent was obtained where applicable.
Bioethical agreement: If the paper includes any material based on experiments performed on humans or animals, a declaration is required stating that an appropriate Commission has been notified and approved these experiments.
Review process: Submitted manuscripts that comply with the authors' instructions are subject to review by reviewers. The editors select reviewers based on the topics presented in the submitted article. Independent reviewers evaluate each paper in a double-masked review process, where authors and reviewers do not know each other's identities. Reviewers assess the work using an electronic system based on questions prepared for a specific title.
Reviewers may also provide individual comments on the article. The paper is approved for publication after the Editor-in-Chief receives a resounding endorsement from respected individuals.
Bionatura is committed to following ethical rules at all stages of publishing. In the medical industry, there are groups called COPE, ICMJE, and WAME. These groups have rules and guidelines for how to follow these rules.
Duties and responsibilities of authors: The author must prepare and submit the article following the requirements set out by the journal Editor. Furthermore, the author is required to submit an editorial, which will include a statement about the originality of the article's content, the integrity of others' copyright, and no conflict of interest or its application. Authors are responsible for disclosing all financial and personal relationships that might bias or be seen to bias their work.

Ethical Standards and Procedures Bionatura is dedicated to maintaining and promoting ethical standards at all stages of the publication process. We follow the rules set by groups like COPE, ICMJE, and WAME.
Duties and responsibilities of authors: Authors must prepare and submit their articles per the journal Editor's guidelines. Additionally, authors are required to submit an editorial accompanied by a statement that outlines the article's originality (it has not been previously published), adherence to the copyright of others, disclosure of any conflicts of interest, and authorization to publish the article in the journal. Authors must disclose all financial and personal relationships that could potentially bias their work.
Duties and responsibilities of reviewers: Articles are chosen for publication through a double-anonymized selection system and are published in an open-access system. Reviewers are tasked with reviewing the electronic system based on questions tailored for a specific title. Reviewers can also provide individual comments to be included in the article content.
Editors' responsibilities include selecting articles for publication. They do their jobs in a fair, balanced, and balanced way, without discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, or the authors' ethnic or geographic origin.
FOCUS AND REACH The Bionatura Journal serves as a specialized, inter-institutional, and interdisciplinary platform for disseminating scientific and technical advancements, technological innovations, and various topics related to the biotechnology sectors, both in Ecuador and internationally. The journal also acts as an effective communication channel among different biotechnology professionals.
It is a non-profit publication. Any income generated from advertising or services provided will be used for its operation and to improve its editing quality.
It is a quarterly journal specializing in biotechnology's theoretical, applied, and market development issues.
It publishes original research and other scientific articles, which are considered by its editorial board following a peer review process without considering the country of origin.

The publication languages are   English and Spanish
Authors retain their rights to the articles without restrictions.
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