GUIDE FOR AUTHORS - Bionatura journal

Bionatura Journal
Ibero-American Journal of Biotechnology and Life Sciences
ISSN 3020-7886
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Public trust in the scientific process and the credibility of published articles depend in part on how transparently conflicts of interest are handled during the planning, implementation, writing, peer review, editing, and publication of scientific work.
  • Each author or group of authors must fill out the attached document from the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors stating the ethical aspects of their research and that they did not have to pay any fee for the editing and publication of their article in Bionatura. To download the ICMJE form, please click here or in Word Document
  • Word doc Bionatura Article Template         Word doc Bionatura Review Template
  • Figures should be sent as separate high-resolution JPG files.  Figures inserted in the text are not of sufficient quality for publication.
  • Tables should be sent in the same file as the article or in separate Word files, but they must be editable, not images.
  • The full name and surname, email and ORCID number of each author are required.
  • The summary should be written without subheadings. All followed in a single paragraph
  • All references in Vancouver, in increasing and continuous numerical order, with superscript numbers and without parentheses.
  • For better publicity of your work, obtain an ORCID identifier and send it along with your publication
  • For publishing a case report statement addressing informed patient consent must be included as part of the manuscript under the heading ‘Consent’.
  • Send all documents directly to
  • How to share your science through video Creating an effective video about your research is not hard either. Here are some resources:

    To submit your manuscript, access our submission. For evaluation, we prefer the manuscript in a single PDF with all the content, but you can send it in any format you wish. There is no need to format the manuscript or the references. Upon acceptance of the article, we will need the text and tables in Word format, along with the images or other materials in their highest resolution, to facilitate the preparation of the proofs.
    Scope, publication fees, timely and other journal policies
    For more details on scope, publication fees, timeline, etc., please refer to the journal's information and policies.
    Article types
    The journal publishes the following types of articles and their formats: reviews (with no fixed length, although they should be as concise as possible) and mini-reviews (up to five pages), articles, research papers (with no fixed length, although as straightforward as possible), short communications (up to three pages), and methodological papers. Material submitted to Bionatura will be peer-reviewed and must meet specific requirements concerning substantive and editorial qualities.
    Final formatting after acceptation

    References and citations must be consistent and accurate. All references in Vancouver are in increasing and continuous numerical order, with superscript numbers and without parentheses.
    Journal Cover:
    Images from articles may be used as journal covers. No action is needed from authors.
    You can submit an additional image as a cover proposal, focusing on aesthetics and scientific relevance.
    Pre-Submission Inquiries:
    If you have a potential article idea but haven't finished writing it, email us at
    You can also inquire about a completed manuscript (drafts are welcome) without formatting. We will conduct a preliminary evaluation.
    Additional Notes:
    The text is simplified and reorganised for better clarity.
    Unnecessary details are removed.
    Emphasis is placed on key actions and information for authors.
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